Study Center & Laboratory

Innovations can be realized when academics and experts come together to study various ideas and conduct trials in developing science.
From efforts to seek breakthroughs in a single discipline to multi-institutional collaborative efforts, academics and researchers at UII provide great intellectual resources in our study centers and laboratories.
A study center is a single or multi-disciplinary unit formed to carry out researches, trainings, and various scientific services. The study center at UII includes single and inter-disciplinary studies that cover a number of science and technology fields.

UII has 58 laboratories under the integrated management of study programs and laboratories that are managed by the university that has been accredited ISO 17025. Some of our main laboratories are as follows:

  • Architectural Design Laboratory
  • Digital Architecture Laboratory
  • Building Technology Laboratory
  • Air & Water Quality Laboratory
  • Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Environmental Risk Analysis Laboratory
  • Hazardous and Toxic Waste Laboratory
  • Mechanical Structure & Engineering Laboratory
  • Highway & Transportation Engineering Laboratory
  • Soil Mechanics Laboratory
  • Industrial Metrology and Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Mechatronics Laboratory
  • Energy Conversion Laboratory
Study Center

Universitas Islam Indonesia has a number of study centers that focus on various fields of science with the purpose of providing space for scientific development and innovation

The establishment of the Islamic Study Center (PSI UII) by Universitas Islam Indonesia is a strategic effort to accommodate human resource development and inter-disciplinary scientific developments, especially in the scope of religious social sciences (humanities), but its existence as an independent, non-partisan and non-profit institution that is committed to  displaying a humanist look of Islam that is cultivated in the form of studies, research, education, training, and publishing. The institutionalization of the Islamic Study Center actually has been carried out by UII since 1997 as stated in the Decree of the Daily Administrator of the UII Waqf Board Number: V/TAP/DP/1997 dated 30 November 1997.

Phone: (0274) 519004

Women’s Study Center (PSW) of Universitas Islam Indonesia which was established in 1997 was originally a part of the Research Institute (LP), but in October 2006 the Women’s Study Center (PSW) became a non-structural institution that coordinated directly with the Vice Chancellor I. Based on studies that show the fast development of gender issues and women’s empowerment, the Women’s Study Center was transformed into a Gender Study Center (PSG) based on the Rector’s Decree on 18 October 1998 and is directly under the coordination of the rectorate of Universitas Islam Indonesia and is valid until now. In 2010, Universitas Islam Indonesia undertook an organizational restructuring and the PSG became one of the non-structural and non-budgetary study centers (no longer receiving subsidies to fund their work programs). The focus of study at the PSG is cases of domestic violence that keep increasing in number and intensity, with one of the contributing factors being weak family function. Therefore, PSG needs to develop solutions, both through studies, research, and community service with the main focus of strengthening family functions using the Al Quran and Hadith as the main references.

Email: [email protected]


Bioethics and Islamic Medical Law Study Center (BIOHUKI) which is under the auspices of the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Islam Indonesia, was established on 16 August 2015. The purpose of establishing the BIOHUKI Study Center is to socialize education tools for bioethics, medical law (Islamic) and Human Rights in Health in the faculties and universities; arrange educational curriculum plans for bioethics, medical law and human rights to achieve competences of 7 medical ethics, morals and professionalism; as well as being responsible for developing  disciplines of bioethics, medical law (Islamic) and Human Rights in Health through education, research and community service.

Phone: (0274) 898444 ext 2031


Digital Forensics Study Center (PUSFID) was established in 2014 and is under the Department of Informatics Engineering (FTI). This Study Center acts as a unit that facilitates the developments in the field of digital forensics. There are three main missions of this Study Center, namely: developing scientific studies in the form of research and educational curriculum in the fields of digital forensics, cybercrime, digital evidence, steganography and watermarkingas well as general computer security ; providing education, training, and human resources preparation with forensic/investigator/digital analyst competence both for the general public and for a limited group (law enforcement, education); and providing community services for case investigation services that involve digital evidence activities and handling as well as providing experts to clarify findings and test digital evidence.

Phone: (0274) 895 287 Ext. 151

Email: [email protected]


This study center is under the auspices of the UII Chemical Engineering Study Program which focuses on the study, research, and development of potential natural fibers and dyes to be one of the main raw materials for Indonesian textile industry. Established since 2005, Center for Natural Fibers and Dyes Study aims to contribute in the use of natural fibers and dye to encourage the autonomy of the national textile industry. The efforts developed in this study center always result in innovations and inventions on the use of natural fibers and dye which are Indonesia’s natural resources.

Phone: (0274) 895287 ext.130

Mobile Phone: 085292402444

Established since 2008, the Center for Medical Informatics Study (PSIMed) is an excellent center that was established in response to the high enthusiasm for research and studies in the field of health informatics from UII students and lecturers. PSIMed, which is under the auspices of the UII Informatics Engineering Master Program, has a research and development focus in several fields, such as health information systems, clinical decision support systems, Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) for medical purposes, medical imaging systems, medical image processing, and geographic information system for health surveillance. PSIMed also contributes in developing various applications in the field of medical information systems.

Phone: (0274) 895287 | ext. 164

The decreasing of natural resources and conventional energy reserves is not only a worrying issue in the international world but also in Indonesia. The Renewable Energy Study Center (PSET) was established in 2013 under the auspices of the Chemical Engineering Study Program, FTI UII, as a form of concern for these energy issues. PSET UII believes that in the up coming decades, the greatest potential in the field of technology that will have a wide application is the research on renewable energy, such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, biomass energy, marine energy, hydrogen energy, bio-energy, and so on. This is the focus of research and activities of the PSET UII.

Phone: (0274) 895287

The “Center for Islamic and Nusantara Traditional Architecture” or commonly abbreviated as CITAR is a study center for the Department of Architecture which was established to develop creative (emphasizing on novelty) and innovative (emphasizing on usefulness) architectural design ideas to explore the richness of Islamic and Nusantara architecture in order to meet contemporary needs based on an intensive study on these treasures. Substantially, this thought is based on the philosophy of values (the harmony with nature, divinity, humanity), traditions in architecture (shape, construction, arrangement of space, ornament, lighting, material), behavior and habits (customs, ethics, behavior, habits), and historical buildings (preservation and development of historical constructions or sites).

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3238

Email: architecture[at]

Administrator: Dr. Ir. Revianto Budi Santosa, M.Arch. (revianto[at]

In term of systems, which are external to architecture study, the power of globalization has created spaces which duplicates the forces of multinational enterprises at the local level and their reterritorialization to space. This reterritorialization is manifested in the form of insular spaces where  architecture becomes a medium for creating these insular spaces. Humans are driven to adapt and accept the forms of these insular spaces into a living space, but this adaptation process does not happen without conflict, especially when the basic layers of our society are still extremely connected to a fluid, familial, informal life. The merging of these two systems gives architecture a side effect because the insularization of space has also created boundaries that cannot be crossed socially, economically, and culturally by society. It is in this context that the Centre for Socius Design (CSD) states that the territorial and identity dimensions that were insularized must have a way of crossing paths that partner with the life of our society. CSD is a mode of architectural experimenting that directly favors efforts to strike a balance, promote reconciliation and partnerships to be more socially sustainable.

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3238

Email: [email protected]

Sustainable Built Environment Centre (SUSBECis under the auspices of the architectural study program and has a vision to become the center of the sustainable built environment development study with a nationally recognized existence, and to provide a real and meaningful role in solving sustainability issues in the artificial environment of the local community. Their mission is to conduct research activities for theoretical and engineering development in the field of sustainable artificial environmentsConducting knowledge sharing to increase public awareness of the issue of sustainable artificial environments. Conducting real work towards actual problem solving efforts in creating sustainable artificial environments.

There are three types of activities. These activities include: (1) Research activities for development of theories and technology regarding sustainable artificial environments. (2) Knowledge sharing  activities on issues, theories, and technology regarding sustainable artificial environments, such as: Courses, trainings, and workshops both held independently and collaboratively in elective or practical courses. (3)Field work activities for solving real problems in the community: real projects and community services.

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3238

Email: [email protected]

Administrator: Sugini Dr. Ir. M.T. ([email protected])

CIBTEC or the Center for Innovation in Building Technology is a study center dedicated to technology innovations in buildings. With the development of technology, its application in buildings is increasingly unavoidable and has become a necessity. Architects must always be innovative so that the structures they design are not out of date, and even more modern in terms of technological applications, either the latest or the appropriate technology. CIBTEC is a study center for studies on structural design (High-rise building, long-span building, appropriate structure), material (environmental friendly, material and techniques, innovative material and construction, recycle  materials and innovative structural system), energy and environment (small scale renewable energy, energy efficient innovative housing and waste water recycling), building and components (building envelope design, knockdown design, movable building), building and disasters (earthquake proof building, flood proof building, fireproof buildings).

Phone: (0274) 898444 Ext. 3238

Email: [email protected]

Administrator: Supriyanta Ir. H. M.Si. ([email protected])

IGSS is a research center established under the auspices of the Department of International Relations. Founded in June 2021, IGSS has a vision to become a leading research center in international relations based on Islamic and Indonesian values. Its mission is to carry out research on various topics in international relations; fostering knowledge and understanding among the global community about issues in global politics; developing the quality of human resources in the field of research and community services; and strengthening networks both at national and international levels.

In carrying out its vision and missions, IGSS mainly focuses on three activities: 1. research and publication on issues in international relations; 2. training and workshops; 3. community services.

Contact Us:
E-mail: [email protected]

The Center for Green Urban Studies (C-GUS) is an institution that focuses on the development process including planning, designing, implementing, building, and forming residentialareas based on (mainstream) harmonious living to achieve green urban, city, area, landscape and architecture and human behaviour. The C-GUS scope of study in spatial aspects includes Urban Planning and Design, Landscape Design, Tourism, Housing and Human Settlement, Architecture and Site Planning, Spesific Areas (Water front, wetland, industrial area, marine, hilly). The conducted activities include educational, research, publications, and social services. The qualitative value targeted by this study center is the ability to design by correlating visual characteristics in the design and creating relationships between architecture designs and nature  (Environmental Relationship).

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3238

Email: [email protected]

Administrator: Muhammad Iftironi Ir. MLA. ([email protected])

This Center for Sustainable Real Estate Studies examines the development of various things related to the real estate field. Especially design planning that is based on the integration of spatial values, time, economic values and sustainable values. Areas of study include commercial (shopping centers, rental offices, department stores, convention centers), residential areas (apartments, condos, flats), tourism facilities (hotels, resorts, villas), industries (industrial areas, factories, warehouses), and infrastructure (hospitals, airports, terminals, train stations, harbors).

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3238

Email: [email protected]

Administrator: Ahmad Saifudin Mutaqi Ir. M.T. ([email protected])

The Center for Flood and Drought Study (Pusbanker) is one of the study centers under the Civil Engineering Study Program at UII. This study center that was established in 2002 was initiated by lecturers in Civil Engineering ldepartment who are part of the Hydro Expertise Group (KBK). Pusbanker focuses on the survey and investigation studies on flood and drought incidents as one of the natural phenomena that often occur recently. Activities that are carried out include direct visits to incident location for obtaining primary and secondary data. Through these on-site activities, this study center aims to find the root of problems, conduct analysis, and come up with solutions in terms of hydro civil engineering expertise. In line with the merging of the boundaries of scientific fields, these days Pusbanker has also expanded its membership. Pusbanker could involve members of other disciplines such as environmental engineering as well as regional and spatial planning.

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3235

Email: [email protected]

The Center for Information and Transportation Study or SIPTRANS was built and developed by lectures who are a part of the Transportation Expertise Group (KBK), who contribute to the development and solving of theoretical problems and contemporary issues in the transportation field, as well as committing to support the national transportation agenda that is integrated, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, and promoting traffic awareness. The main activities at this Study Center include researching, consulting, and training activities in the field of transportation, such as road and pavement engineering, transportation management and planning, as well as traffic management and engineering. In progressing their activities, SIPTRANS is supported by two laboratories: Highway Laboratory and the Transportation Engineering Laboratory. Both have adequate set of equipments and experienced laboratory assistants and technicians. Various research and collaboration agendas have been conducted, including acting as a medium for journal discussions and management.

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3235

Email: [email protected]

The Disaster Risk Reduction Center (DiRReC) is a Center for Disaster Measurement and Management Studies under the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning managed by the Civil Engineering Study Program. DiRReC was established on 10 October 2012 and aims to gather all human resources in FTSP UII that have the same interest in disaster management on a voluntary basis, creating a space for disaster management observers in the form of a Study Center/Real Actions at disaster management, and to compile the necessary tools in an organization (Articles of Association and Bylaws etc.) to oversee the operation of an organization. DiRReC activities include computation/preparation of disaster data-bases, creating inventory of ideas on disasters, Regular Discussions/Studies on Disasters/Disaster Management, Reconnaissance, Research and Community Service for Disaster, Seminars, Trainings, Workshops on disasters, Publications, and Dissemination on disasters.

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3235

Email: [email protected]

The Merapi Volcanic Material Innovation Center (PIMVM) was established and has been operating since 1 September 2012, and is under the auspices of the Civil Engineering Study Program. PIMVM UII focuses on research activities, community empowerment, and business incubators for the academic community at UII and local community. Products developed by PIMVM are based on results of studies and researches conducted by lecturers and students at UII whose main focus is researching sand-cement-based construction materials. These products have gone through trial process in public. For example: The Merapi Concrete Bricks that are innovated by PIMVM have been initiated through a Focus Group Discussion with UII alumni as construction actors and have been tested at the UII Engineering Construction Materials Laboratory.  The Merapi Concrete Brick products received Indocement Award in 2012 and a Prefabricated House model in 2014. In mid-November 2016, the PIMVM Team qualified again as a Finalist in the 2016 Indocement Award.

Phone: 0274 898444 Ext. 3235

Email: [email protected]

Administrator: Setya Winarno ST., MT., Ph.D. ([email protected])

The Center for Climate Change and Disaster Studies or PUSPIK is one of the study centers in the Environmental Engineering Department at UII that accommodates and provides academic contributions related to climate change and disaster mitigation and management efforts. These contributions include carrying out studies related to climate change and disaster phenomena, increasing public capacity related to climate change and disaster management, conducting community service related to climate change and disaster, and developing cross-sector networks both nationally and internationally in the context of climate change and disaster management.

Phone: (0274) 898471

Email: [email protected]


Administrator: Qorry Nugrahayu S.T. M.T. ([email protected])

The Center for Children and Family Studies is under the Psychology Study Program. The Center for Children and Family Studies or PUSKAGA was established on 9 February 2013 and has become the center for children and family studies that excels in promoting children and family education services that are based on research and Islamic values.

Phone: (0274) 898444, ext. 2129

The Center for Constitutional Law Studies or PSHK of the Faculty of Law at UII is a center for legal studies that focuses its studies on constitution. This study center was established by the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII No. 069/dek-60/SK/Bag.Um&RT/H/XII/2006, that positions PSHK of the Faculty of Law at UII as a strategic space for legal intellectual actors to carry out comprehensive and holistic studies regarding the constitution and its various issues. The PSHK of the Faculty of Law at UII is also a non-profit oriented professional organization that is open and willing to partner with government agencies, companies, or individuals both domestically and abroad in the context of building democracy and a state of law in Indonesia with the principle of maximum benefit for the people.

Phone: (0274) 545658


The Center for Legal Consultation and Aid (PKBH), better known as the Institute for Legal Consultation and Aid (LKBH) of the Faculty of Law of UII, was established actually in 1976 and established by law on 23 July 1978 The LKBH of the Faculty of Law of UII is a space for the academic community to conduct community service in the field of law, especially in order to develop public legal awareness through legal counseling and providing legal assistance to the community in order to manifest acces to justice and justice for all.

Phone: (0274) 566723

Email: [email protected]


The Education and Training Center (PUSDIKLAT) is an institution under the Laboratory of the Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII). PUSDIKLAT is led by the Main Chief who is responsible of making policies for the preparation and implementation of work programs in the field of legal proficiency education and legal training for students and the community, regulating, managing and developing Law Proficiency Courses (MKKH). Moreover, this institution is also in charge of carrying out the development activities for curriculum, syllabus, and lecture program units for Legal Proficiency Courses.

Phone: (0274) 379178 ext.129

Email: [email protected]


The Center for Economic Crime Studies (PSKE) is a Non-profit Institution engaged in legal and socio-economic studies and research related to economic crime and its law enforcement. The establishment of PSKE of the Faculty of Law at UII on 14 February 2013 was motivated by the concern of the UII Faculty of Law regarding the increase of economic crime with increasing diversity of modus operandi. In conducting its various activities, PSKE is able to collaborate with various other institutions, both public and private, that have a united vision of strengthening the law enforcement for economic crimes.

Phone: (0274) 379178 ext.260

Centre for Local Law Development Studies (CLDS) is based on the importance of the local legal development process in creating a democratic and law-conscious society, by upholding human rights. CLDS is established under the Faculty of Law at UII as a basic complementary support (article 49 paragraph 3 STATUTA UII 2005). By paying attention to the targeted groups of the local community who are marginalized both by threats and natural disasters. In achieving the purposes mentioned above, these programs are conducted together with various parties, both public and private sector at the national and international levels.

Phone: (0274) 379178 ext.254

The Center for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR Center) is an Independent Academic Activity Center within the UII Faculty of Law. This institution was established on 26 December 2006 based on the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Law of UII No.: 068/Dek-60/SK/Bag.Um&RT/H/XII/2006. The activities at the IPR Center are focused on strengthening the IPR system, including IPR education, development, implementation, utilization, and management for students and the community.

Phone: (0274) 545658

The Center for Human Rights Studies is under the auspices of the Faculty of Law (FH) UII. Its establishment on 7 April 2000 was marked by the signing of the Cooperation Charter number: MOU.01/meneg./HAM/04/2000 underline 381/B.1/IV/2000 between the State Minister for Human Rights (HAM) with the Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia. The activities at the Center for Human Rights Studies focus on the needs and demands of the community with an approach of recognition towards the guarantee of individual autonomy; recognition towards the people’s sovereignty; the right to protection; and social rights.

Phone: (0274) 452032


The Center for the Study of Qur’anic and Hadith Interpretation (Tafaquh) was officially established on March 16, 2021. The establishment of Tafaquh is envisioned to be strategic way in examining and developing knowledge related to the Qur’an and Hadith. As a campus with a vision of mercy for all creation (rahmatan lil alamin), the establishment of Tafaquh is expected providing various facilities to all UII students related to the study of the Qur’an and Hadith, even contributing to the development of knowledge that has an impact on the general public, especially the Muslim community. The main program of Tafaquh is promoting the Qur’an and Hadith with a scientific basis that becomes a source of mercy for us all.

Phone:  0274-898444 Ext. 2405


Prabuningrat Building (Rectorate Office)
Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Phone: +62 274 898444
Fax: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]

Universitas Islam Indonesia has Accredited “Unggul” by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (BAN-PT) of the Republic of Indonesia on 2022.