Leaving a Sustainable Environment for the Future

Universitas Islam Indonesia is committed to make the best effort to mitigate the negative impacts emerged from various activities, energy consumption, and utilization of technology affecting UII campus area. The entire academic society, either students, lecturers, or staff members can contribute themselves to make a number of small changes and support environmentally-friendly lifestyle of the members of UII Campus.

Aligning Campus Building and Open Spaces

The buildings and landscapes in the UII Campus area plays an important role in creating our campus identity as an ideal learning spot that brings tranquility and comfort to all campus residents and a symbol of a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Harmonization between buildings and green open spaces (85%) within the UII campus area is designed to be integrated and complementary to meet various study and social needs, as well as to improve quality, attractiveness, comfort, and environmental sustainability.

Spatial Arrangement of UII Campus: “The Colours of Nature”

Coherence between spatial arrangement and environment outlined in the Master Plan of UII Integrated Campus will be realized to build the image of Integrated Campus as a humanistic campus and sustainable campus with a comprehensive theme: “The Colors of Nature”. This theme represents a sustainable relationship between human and nature, evoking diversity and inclusivity both in culture and scientific mindset within the frame of natural beauty. Besides, it is expected to bring UII Integrated Campus a community-inspiring spatial quality which would eventually bears insan ulil albab who are aware and cognizant of kauniyah verses spread out across the Campus.

UII Integrated Campus is conceptualized to center in three academic or science clusters: Religion and Humanity, Nature and Life Sciences, and Design & Engineering. The clusters are not rigid organizational entities. Instead, they are open systems of spatial allocation with a coherence between functions and images in each cluster.

Green and Beautiful Campus Environment

Vegetations across the UII Integrated Campus are essentially the product of tree planting campaign initiated around 1995. Most of the current vegetations are products of the campaign. This green and lush Integrated Campus has had UII awarded with Indonesia Green Awards for Green Campus category from La Tofi School of CSR in 2012, 2014, and 2016.

Broadly speaking, planting campaign in UII Campus employs the following strategy of vegetation layering:

  • The first layer consists of pioneer plants, particularly bamboos along the riverside stretching across the campus. They accelerate campus greening and stabilize the on-site ground that are prone to erosion.
  • The second layer is filled with sengon trees (Albizia chinensis) to accelerate greening in future construction sites. They are planted as interim species and would be replaced by permanent shade trees in third layer some time later.
  • In the third layer there are shade trees of various native species from all over the country. They are grouped based on their place of origins: the west campus shall have trees from western part of Indonesia, the central campus with trees from central Indonesia, while the east campus with trees from eastern part of Indonesia.
  • The fourth layer is allocated for certain plants with specific purposes such as directional or symbolical, e.g. Sawo Kecik (Manilkara kauki) and Kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol) in the boulevard area of the Integrated Campus. According to Javanese philosophy, Sawo Kecik symbolizes good virtue. With season-dependent color-changing leaves, Kepel symbolizes the identity of Yogyakarta.

Vegetation planting in the UII Integrated Campus is also designed by taking into account plant colors and integrated combination with buildings, such as green wall, roof garden, or on the upper hallways of a building.

The Most Sustainable Private Campus in Indonesia

UII is awarded as the greenest and most sustainable Private University according to UI GreenMetric World University Rankings in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

Pedestrian and Disabled Access

A walkable campus is essential to creating a healthier and safer community. Pedestrian paths in the UII Campus area prioritize pedestrian access and experience by expanding and connecting each zone and every building throughout the campus area. The sidewalks on the pedestrian paths have also been equipped with special lanes for people with visual disabilities. Access to the building for wheelchairs and people with physical disabilities has also been equipped with a ramp.

Energy Conservation at UII Campus

Management of Campus Facilities & Energy Audit 

UII campus facility maintenance is performed regularly under the coordination of Campus Facilities Administration (PFK), UII Waqf Office Foundation, and Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure (DSP) UII Rectorate.

Reflecting on energy audit allows PFK to suggest technical recommendation for different needs of facility maintenance and energy conservation, such as making up and cleaning of installation, placement of warning signs and diagram, measurement tools calibration, regular termination check, used and recorded power check, and utilization of energy-saving equipment.

Furthermore, a Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology is also in place to integrate building design with the required data or technical information to improve the effectivity and efficiency of planning, design, construction, and operation of buildings within UII campus area. This is particularly helpful to support energy conservation program.

Solar Panel Project  

Energy conservation is achieved through several means. Besides energy audit and regular maintenance performed by UII, some additional initiatives are also implemented with the involvement of units under UII such as the introduction of solar panel project by the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) to support availability of electricity in the faculty building.

This solar power generator is built to deliver 2×5,000 watt of power to support the operation of many electronic equipments in the faculty building such as LCD projectors. In addition to power saving purpose, the solar generator project would also help educate general community regarding the importance of renewable energy.

The installed solar panel technology is expected to run in an optimal state for 15 years and save approximately 50 million rupiah per year for FTI building’s electricity bill.

Selain di gedung FTI, sejak bulan Maret 2020 Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) telah memasang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) on Grid Rooftop. Sistem ini mempunyai kapasitas 5.000 Wp. Setiap harinya ada minimal 21,3 KWh yang bisa dihemat dengan keberadaan sistem ini. Tiap bulan sekitar 278 KWh yang dihasilkan dari sistem kelistrikan yang mengandalkan cahaya matahari ini. Keberadaan PLTS ini merupakan wujud ikhtiar UII untuk menghemat energi demi lingkungan lestari dan berkelanjutan.

Subroto Award 2017 for Energy Innovation

Category of Community Group Initiative was bestowed to UII based on the Decision of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 3086 K/74/MEM/2017 dated 13 September 2017 on the Awardee of Energy Initiative 2017

Water Conservation at UII Campus

To encourage enviroment conservation, UII collaborates with the government via Serayu Opak River Area Main Station (Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Serayu Opak/BBWSSO) to initiate a water conservation program by constructing two reservoirs in UII Integrated Campus area.

This project would allow construction of a reservoir to the east of Ulil Albab Mosque, to the south of the bridge. Another reservoir will be constructed to the west of  Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo UII Sports Hall (GOR) on the roadside of village street (River Pelang).

Designation of the two locations already conforms to the prepared planning document (Detail Engineering Design/DED). Construction of the two reservoirs will be made in stages. In 2019, the reservoir to the west of UII Sports Hall was constructed first. Next, construction of reservoir to the east of Ulil Albab Mosque will follow. The first stage of reservoir construction to the west of UII Sports Hall has now entered finishing stage.

Indonesia Green Awards
Green Campus Category Award for UII Campus

UII received Indonesia Green Awards for the category of Green Campus from La Tofi School of SCR consecutively in 2012, 2014, and 2016

Policy Regarding On-Campus Transportation

Parking Management

UII Integrated Campus which covers an area of more than 38 hectares hosts an outstretching layout of campus buildings and education facilities from the east (entrance/campus boulevard) to the west. Such spacious campus area needs a transportation management in terms of parking space management and vehicle security.

Regarding this matter, parking space allocation plan and transportation policy management have been implemented to minimize on-campus traffic congestion, especially in the Integrated Campus area which has several entry and exit points connected directly to publicly accessible village streets.

Parking management with ticketing gate system has also been applied to monitor all vehicles coming to and leaving from UII Integrated Campus.

Special Parking Space with Accessibility

This is a special parking space provided for the disabled (disabled parking spot) who brings their own vehicle, especially a car. UII Integrated Campus also provides appropriate facilities in several parking spots. A map of available parking spaces on the integrated campus is accessible through the following link:

Sustainability Recognition

UII has received sustainability recognition from SUN Energy for its contribution to implementing sustainable activities through a solar energy system. Additionally, UII has installed 415.8 kWp solar panels, generating an estimated 572,873 kWh of environmentally friendly electricity per year. Furthermore, 16,040 trees are planted annually, resulting in an estimated reduction of 515.59 tons of carbon emissions in one year.

Digital Culture Initiative

UIIPrint: An integrated service to support “Less Paper Consumption

Commitment to environment and sustainability is reinforced through various programs and digital culture initiatives to the entire academic society of UII. In 2017, UII Information System Office (BSI) launched on-campus integrated technology services. One of them is UIIPrint service which was established as an initiative to reduce printer usage and, at the same time, paper consumption in administrative and classroom documents.

UIIPrint is a new IT-driven service which allows students, lecturers, and staffs to self-serve for printing, scanning, and copying documents. The service, which is connected with UII account, is available across all main campus buildings of Universitas Islam Indonesia (rectorate, library, laboratories, and faculties). Access to UIIPrint can be made by providing user’s UII account username and password. For more information, please check uii.ac.id/print.

This service allows UII to perform integrated monitoring of paper consumption and environmental impact of excessive consumption of paper. The “less-paper” campaign is continuously reinvigorated and well-received by many units within UII campus area which have since started to shift to electronic documents for meeting invitations and other activities, as well as for copying meeting/workshop documents, now provided in electronic formats.

Simple environmentally-friendly actions for you to jump in

  • Print with Less Paper in Black and White

    Unless a printed document is required, you can read it electronically. If you must print a document, we recommend that you make a habit of using both sides of the paper and print in black and white. UIIPrint service is available in the Central Library and every faculty building with black-and-white printing service.

  • For Lecturers/Students, Before Leaving Classrooms:

    Please turn off the projectors, computers, air conditioners, lamps, and speakers. Turning off all electronic equipments during classroom break will help save electricity consumption in UII campus area. Both lecturers and students are expected to cooperate and remind each other to promote this power-saving campaign.

  • For Staff Members/Lecturers, Before Leaving Office:

    Please turn off the screen and computer that you use for work. Turning off unused screens and computers will save electricity consumption in UII campus area, particularly during weekends where office activities are off.

  • For Staff Members/Lecturers Who are Familiar to Windows Operating System

    Open Power Options under Control Panel in your office computer and configure the display to turn itself off after a certain duration of inactivity.

Visit Sustainability Office

Prabuningrat Building (Rectorate Office)
Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Phone: +62 274 898444
Fax: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]uii.ac.id

Universitas Islam Indonesia has Accredited “Unggul” by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (BAN-PT) of the Republic of Indonesia on 2022.