International Mobility

Universitas Islam Indonesia encourages its academic/non-academic staff and students to participate in international mobility activities. As UII has partnered with more than 100 institutions in more than 10 countries, UII has opened the access to global opportunities that will broaden your experience and develop your capacity for a global career. Add an international edge to your degree by joining international activities and broaden your horizons.

International Mobility Issues

For some programs, financial supports might be available for your overseas experience, however it depends on the types of programs and the agreement with partner institutions.

The majority of programs offered in partner universities in overseas are conducted in English, so that if you feel that your English capacity still needs to be improved, you can join English language course either in UII language center or other language courses in Yogyakarta. This will be one of the benefits of participating in international activities.

You can choose from a variety of programs and destinations to match your need. Short programs can be the option because it is usually offered in the semester break. You can also join a credit transfer program (one semester program) that allows you to gain credit points from partner universities. Your participation in any types of international mobility opportunities will provides you intercultural experiences and softskills that compliment your academic skills.

International Mobility Programs for Students

There are international opportunities open to students from any academic department in any year level. You can choose the program which match your study and career goal in the future. The types of programs in UII can be categorized as:

  1. Short programs, the programs with the duration less than one semester such as summer/winter programs, internship program, practical training, short course, competition, international seminar/conference etc;
  2. Credit transfer, the duration of this program is one semester or more. This program will require UII and the partner university to have an agreement;
  3. Double degree, the duration of this program can be 1 year up to 2 years.

Further information about the international mobility programs >> International Mobility

Report Your Participation in International Mobility

To record the data of international mobility both staff (academic/non-academic) and students, you can access the account that you have created in the mobility web page to report your experience abroad.

Gedung GBPH Prabuningrat (Rektorat)
Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Telepon: +62 274 898444
Faks: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]

Akreditasi Institusi A. Universitas Islam Indonesia telah mendapatkan Akreditasi Institusi A dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) sejak tahun 2013.